
Merit Employee Relations Board

Providing timely disposition of Merit employee grievance and maintenance review classification appeals.

2024 Decisions

Stacey Cashman v. DOC

Decision and Order on Motion to Dismiss (1-4-24)
MERB Docket: 23-07-898

Andrew Morrison v. DOL

Order of Dismissal (1-31-24)
MERB Docket: 23-01-864, 23-03-871, 23-04-872

William Fasano v. DNREC

Superior Court Remand Order (2-2-24)
C.A. N22A-08-005 CLS (MERB Docket: 21-05-803)

Grievant v. DHSS, DVI

Public Decision and Order (2-8-24)
MERB Docket: 23-06-880

Ronie Dean v. DOT, DMV

Order of Dismissal (2-12-24)
MERB Docket: 23-06-881

Grievant v. DHSS, DVI

Public Decision and Order (2-12-24)
MERB Docket: 23-02-866

Ellen Warren v. DHSS, DDDS

Decision and Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (2-20-24)
MERB Docket: 21-02-799

Kathleen Davies v. OAOA

Decision and Order on Motions (2-26-24)
MERB Dockets: 20-04-754 and 23-06-878

Kathleen Davies v. OAOA

Order of Dismissal (3-7-24)
MERB Dockets: 20-05-767 and 23-06-878

Yvonne Lewis v. DHSS, DPH

Interim Decision Denying Motion to Dismiss (3-8-24)
MERB Docket: 23-05-876

David Gomez, Lisa Hudson Bluto, David Johnson v. DOC, P&P

Interim Decision Denying Motion to Dismiss (4-8-24)
MERB Dockets: 23-12-907; 23-12-908; 23-12-909

Vivek Maharaj v. DHSS, DSAMH

Order of Dismissal (4-8-24)
MERB Docket: 23-06-877

Monserrat Vazquez v. DHSS, DSAMH

Order of Dismissal (5-6-24)
MERB Docket: 22-08-840

Rob Schmidlkofer v. DHSS, DVI

Order of Dismissal (5-6-24)
MERB Docket: 23-03-869

Yvonne Lewis v. DHSS, DPH

Order of Dismissal (5-6-24)
MERB Docket: 23-05-876

Frances Evans v. DOC, P&P

Order of Dismissal (5-6-24)
MERB Docket: 23-07-896

Grinnage, et al v. DSCYF, DPBHS

Interim Decision and Order of Dismissal (6-24-24)
MERB Docket: 23-06-882 through 894

James Kwasnieski v. State of Delaware, DOT and MERB

Superior Court Decision (6-25-24)
C.A. N23-06-011 CEB (MERB Docket: 22-06-836)

Grievant v. DSCYF, DPBHS

Public Decision and Order (7-18-24)
MERB Docket: 23-09-900

Maria Pinto v. DOF

Order of Dismissal (8-13-24)
MERB Docket: 23-01-847

Assa Aboualam, et al. v. DOL

Order of Dismissal (8-13-24)
MERB Dockets: 23-01-848 through 23-01-863

George Iannetta v. DSCYF, DYRS

Order of Dismissal (8-13-24)
MERB Docket: 24-04-914

David Gomez, Lisa Hudson-Bluto, David Johnson v. DOC, P&P and DHR

Interim Decision Granting Grievants’ Motion to Strike (9-10-24)
MERB Docket: 23-12-907, 23-12-908, 23-12-909

Mark R. Schafer v. DOT

Decision and Order on Motion to Dismiss (10-7-24)
MERB Docket: 24-05-921

Connor Boothman v. DOL, DET

Order of Dismissal (11-12-24)
MERB Docket: 24-06-929

Sigourney Patterson v. DOC

Order of Dismissal (11-12-24)
MERB Docket: 24-09-935

Matthew Chamberlain v. DNREC

Interim Decision Granting Agency Motion to Join Indispensable Party (11-22-24)
MERB Docket: 24-08-932

Natalie Saladino v. DHSS, DSAMH

Decision Granting Motion to Dismiss (12-20-24)
MERB Docket: 23-12-904
